These are hands down our most frequently asked questions! If you can't find the answer you are looking for, feel free to contact us at any time.
"Are your products natural?"
Pretty much! But more specifically..
This is our absolute, number one, most common question! And the blanket answer is that we strive to keep our products as natural as possible, and push to use natural ingredients where it matters most.
We have a huge range of bath bombs and as such boast a massive armada of ingredients to match! Because of this, the answer to the question will depend on which range of bath bombs you are eyeing.
Our NUDE range of bath bombs are 100% natural.
NUDE bath bombs contain no colourants, are scented with natural oils and any visible hues are achieved with a light dusting of mineral powders. There is not one single synthetic ingredient used in the bath bombs under this range.
Don't panic though! this doesn't mean our other bath bombs contain nasty chemicals.
Our AROMATHERAPY bath bombs are 99.9% Natural.
We simply can not claim they are totally natural because we use certain colourants to make the bath bombs more exciting in the water! The colourants we use are synthetically made - and are FDA (food and drug administration) approved, thus all food grade and safe for human consumption (not that you'll be eating our products!).
It has long been a struggle for us deciding whether to use natural or synthetic colourants in our aromatherapy bath bombs. Although we did eventually put our hearts on the significantly more stable and refined, lab made colours.
Many factors came into this decision - the main being natural colourants are simply not suitable for bathtubs or skin as we quickly learned through testing! This probably sounds counter intuitive, how can natural colours be bad for the skin - let alone a bathtub?!
Let's start with the skin - It's not bad for your skin in the sense that it causes harm - but aesthetically it's very, very, bad. For example, turmeric will stain your skin yellow for days! (blueberry wasn't doing much better). Onion skin powder was also an option but you can probably imagine how that smelled. Through endless trial and only getting errors, it became a no brainer that either no colourants would be used or we would have to use synthetic ones instead.
Now to the bathtub - how are natural colourants be bad for the tub? Well, if it can stain your skin, it can probably stain your bathtub. If it doesn't stain the tub, it will most certainly leave an unsightly ring of particles and develop clumpy formations of floaties as you bathe.
The reason for this is because natural colourants are more granular so their particles are significantly larger than those of lab made dyes. Natural colours simply can't disperse into the water as well as their synthetic counterparts. Because of this, most natural alternatives tend to float on the water, and eventually cling to the sides of the tub much like the rings left in an empty cup of hot choccy.
The remainder of our range varies from 99.9% - 98%
Besides colourants, some of our bath bombs that boast more exciting smells (such as bubblegum, coffee, pineapple etc) use fragrances, as there is no other way to achieve those scents through natural means.
Our fragrances are all formulated specifically for cosmetic use, so don't worry! Our supplier has an ISO9001 quality management system certification, ISO 14001 environmental management system certification, and also holds HALAL certification. Additionally, as a fail safe, we do swab tests on ourselves (inner elbow and neck) using the concentrated oils to check for any reactions before using them in our bath bombs!
These fragrances are not known to irritate sensitive skin, or skin with existing conditions such as eczema or psoriasis. If you are concerned, always try a skin test first!
"Where do you source your materials?"
30% Global, a whopping 70% Australian!
Our customers are always curious to learn where we source our materials from. If you're a cautious buyer, you'd be pleased to know the bulk of our ingredients are sourced right here from Aussie suppliers! What we can't get here, we predominantly import from europe - and of course our luxurious essential oils are sourced directly (and ethically!) from india!

"Do you really make all the bathbombs yourself?"
Yes! Every. Single. One. (With my own two hands!)
We're family owned and operated, and all our bath bombs (yes all!) are made under the unassuming roof of our family home. This allows us to keep a close eye on the quality of each individual bath bomb as they pass through only our hands and not that of 50 strangers.
With no forced quotas or stressful work environments, we can focus our attention on the finer details. This way, you as the customer can rest assured that you're always going to be getting the best version of a product.
We truly enjoy what we do - and always find inspiration and excitement in developing, expanding and improving our range.
It's so common for larger bath bomb companies to advertise themselves as 'hand made' these days. When you think 'hand made', perhaps you imagine a family business, or an enthusiast. Essentially people who place their love and passion into the process and final product.
The reality is, 'Hand made' may in fact be the pretty wrapping paper hugged around the ugly box which represents 'factory made'.
Before you grab your pitchforks, technically all conglomerate company bath bombs are indeed made by hand. There is no magical bath bomb machine that can mix, mould, demould, dry, and package a bath bomb without any human intervention. But this also does not reflect the romantic image of 'hand made' that we all like to invision.
A large portion of bath bombs available on the market today are in fact made in factories, by lines of people repeating the motions to press as many products as they can to meet a quota.

Where do you buy your moulds from?
We don't! Our moulds are designed and made by us!
It's always flattering when we're asked this question, but the truth is we don't really use many mass produced moulds. We develop our own ideas and designs and aim to recreate it into a viable shape that will hold as a bath bomb.
We go through quite the process to achieve our final product, but once we're happy with how the design looks, we make a plaster cast and begin the process of forming all our moulds in-house.
The design process is often rather methodical: repeatedly forming, reforming, shaving down and building back up the same model until it's able to detach from the plastic casing formed over it. Once it can be comfortably removed, that's when we know we've gotten 'the one!'. This final model will then be used as the base sampe for all future molds.
Sure, it's easier, cheaper, and quicker to buy pre-made moulds, (and there's undeniably some really cool shapes out there!) but we just get so excited about what we make! Our thirst for creativity simply can't be quenched by the product of someone else's design.

"Are there animal products in your bath bombs?"

Nope, not a speck - sleep easy vegan friends!
We only use plant based ingredients in our products - even our emulsifiers are plant based!
Don't get us wrong, there's plenty of benefits to certain animal products - (for example milk and honey) - but there are also SO many plant based products that will do the job just as well!
Some people get hormonal reactions to animal products, so we avoid using them - just as we avoid using sulfates for similar reasons.